Have you ever been completely in your ‘zone’?
It was smooth, it was rhythmical, it was effortless wasn’t it? It felt like your mind body was doing what is was born to do, because there was so much ease.
When you’re nervous system is balanced, this is our natural state that we live.
Our Sympathetic Nervous system and Parasympathetic Nervous system are what regulates ‘fight /flight/freeze’ and also the much needed state of ‘rest and digest’
In our fast-paced lives we cram in so many responsibilities.
Navigating life’s difficult moments like death, illness, relationship breakups, moving house can wind us up tight! Our nervous system can switch our fight/flight/freeze to ON!
The Nervous System Reset Massage is designed specifically as a therapeutic massage with the added bonus of deep calming assistance of Vagus nerve balancing.
Come back to your sense of calmness for better coping, clarity and energy.