Feelings of worry, fear and grief, frustration, dis-empowerment – just to name a few … can cause emotional imbalances and emotional holdings in the body.
Stef’s Energy Healing / Balancing session
(Clears the body’s energetic blocks, and ‘negative’ energy)
It’s designed to shift pain, suffering, anger, fear, anxiety, overwhelming stress, feeling directionless, non-coping, powerlessness and negative beliefs passed on from others and from our own experiences which reside in many levels of our energy fields around our body.
Healing carries away the junk which we’ve accumulated over the years. ~ Emotional junk we just don’t need! Then you can be free to redecorate with the new ‘mod-cons’ of freedom and fresh ideas to take you boldly forward.
Stef balances many energetic parts of the body, balances and activates chakras, and often passes on channelled guidance which can help alot bringing understanding or clarity to a situation. Ease ~ Flow ~ Abundance